Carla Fiorito International Sales and Marketing Manager, GREATER HOUSTON CVB, United States
Category: Destination Marketing Organization
Regions they sell in US: Houston, Texas
Video: IPW 2018

Gary Orfield Director of Travel Industry Sales, GREATER PALM SPRINGS CVB, United States
Category: Destination Marketing Organization
Regions they sell in US: Greater Palm Springs, California
Video: IPW 2018

Grey Brennan Deputy Director, ALABAMA TOURISM DEPARTMENT, United States
Category: Destination Marketing Organization or State Tourism Bureau
Regions they sell in US: Alabama
Video: IPW 2018

lot of photo choices but not too many of our preferred photo libraries...

Sanya Hamilton Head of Sales, AlliedTPro New York, United States
Category: Receptive Operator, Tour Operator
Regions they sell in US: New England, Mid-Atlantic, The South, Great Lakes, Mountain West, Northwest, Southwest, Hawaii
Video: IPW 2017

My email just blows up with tour operators looking for more information. We can see when they have downloaded our photos to use for amazing platform for South Dakota...

Alexa Steiner Global Travel & Trade Representative, South Dakota Tourism, United States
Category: Retailer, Tour Operator, Wholesaler
Regions they sell in US: All Regions
Video: IPW 2017

Your website is are providing content to the operators and OTAs like Ctrip in China for branding and marketing a whole new destination to our customers.

Martial Ma General Manager, International Partnership,, China
Category: Retailer, Tour Operator, Wholesaler
Regions they sell in US: All Regions
Video: IPW 2017

Free images, the ability to know what's in a city or destination. Great resource.

Tony Carne General Manager, Urban Adventures Limited, Australia
Category: Tour Operator
Regions they sell in US: All regions
Video: IPW 2017

It makes our jobs much easier because we don't have to go and individually contact different destinations.

Bhanu Aravindakshan General Manager – Products, Ottila International, India
Category: Wholesaler
Regions they sell in US: Great Lakes, The Islands, Connecticut, Massachusetts, District of Columbia, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Alaska, Washington, Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas
Video: IPW 2017

it helps us customize tours and makes our clients happy...

Alice Heinsen General Manager, Exelenzia Travel Hub, Dominican Republic
Category: Retailer/Wholesaler
Regions they sell in US: All regions
Video: IPW 2017

very friendly system, easy to use... photographs that you can use in packages or proposals to the travel agents...

Ignacio Rodríguez Santos Gerente General, Celebrate, Chile
Category: Tour Operator, Wholesaler
Regions they sell in US: All Regions
Video: IPW 2017

TheTourOperator – it's almost perfect.

Maximiliano Tortone Manager, Moebius Viajes S.A., Argentina
Category: Tour Operator, Wholesaler
Regions they sell in US: Great Lakes, Northwest, The Islands, Connecticut, Massachusetts, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Florida, Mississippi, South Carolina, Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, California, Nevada, Texas
Video: IPW 2017

It's amazing! I know it is a great tool that will help us.

Theresa Sullivan Gerente General, Gestiones Turísticas, S.A., Dominican Republic
Category: Retailer, Tour Operator, Wholesaler
Regions they sell in US: New England, Mid-Atlantic, The South, Mountain West, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Alaska, Washington, Arizona, California, Nevada, Texas, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
Video: IPW 2017

I can find what I need all in one place...all details, trusted agents. It's amazing

Basher Alolabi General Manager, Mustashar Holidays, Kuwait
Category: Tour Operator, Wholesaler
Regions they sell in US: All Regions, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, Louisiana, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, California, Nevada, Texas, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
Video: IPW 2017

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